I've had it. This weight has GOT to come off. I've been trying, but not as faithfully as I could have been. I've had so many "last straws" that I'd have to buy another flippin' PACK of straws to start over. Most recently, my son has inadvertently said some things that hurt my heart about my weight, and here's the kicker: We went to a Nashville Sounds (minor league) baseball game last Friday, and when I went to sit down, I
barely fit in the chair. I mean, it was SNUG. At some points, I even had to turn sideways a little bit because it was hurting my sides. This is UNACCEPTABLE. Yeah yeah, I just had a baby...7 months ago.
People: "Oh Allison, you look GREAT!"; "You just had a baby, cut yourself some slack!"
No. No. No. No. No. NO!!!!!
In no way, shape, form, or fashion, is it "okay" for me to "cut myself some slack".
I do NOT look great, I do not FEEL great, and most importantly, I'm not
healthy. I'm tired all of the time, sluggish, and I seem to get sick at the drop of a hat. Granted, a lot of that is sinus and allergy problems, but still.
My dad has diabetes: I do not want that.
I have sleep apnea: I do not want that.
I have a family history of strokes and heart attacks: I do not want that.
One in three kids born in 2010 will develop diabetes: I do not want that.
I have to set an example for my children, as well as my husband and my family. How can I expect them to take care of themselves when I am not taking care of myself? My addiction to emotional eating has got to stop. I know I've been stressed to the max lately, but I should turn to God, not food.
Here's the plan. Starting eating less and moving more. I don't need near the portion sizes I think I do. I'm not breastfeeding anymore, so I need to quit eating like it. I'm also going to start taking the kids for a walk every night before or after dinner. (Preferably before, but since I'M the one who cooks in my house, that can be tricky. Especially since I have to make sure Ava gets to bed on time.)
So, ask me if I walked or worked out. Ask me what I had to eat that day. Hold me accountable. And by no means, don't tell me I look great. Tell me that you're proud of me for trying so hard, and for taking it day by day. I need encouragement, not sugar coating.
Right? Thanks for listening to my incessant babbling. It's just high time I got real.