Mau Loa Mama

Mau Loa Mama

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stupid Food.

I hate food. And I love food.

It's a vicious cycle. I know that I need food to live. I should be looking at it as fuel, not as a treat. But I still do. I talk a good game. I know all of the right things to do, all of the right thing to eat, and that I need exercise to accompany my eating habits. But look at this. This is what I had for lunch yesterday:

Jersey Mike's Turkey on Wheat: No cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles, Onions, Mayo (full fat), and Vinegar.

No Chips....yay me! Right?!

Wait for it......

2, count em', 2 Cadbury Eggs. Did I need those? NO! Why did I even buy them in the first place? And why did I feel the need to eat both of them in one sitting?

I know why. Because I was overwhelmed at work and I went out at lunch at it made me feel better. Until after I ate them.

Emotional eating! I should just be allowed to take a nap every time that I want to eat. They should diagnose me with a medical condition and write me a note or something. Yes, I know that's completely ridiculous, but it works. If I want to snack at night, I try to pack it in and go to bed instead of eating.

I guess the point of this post is to show that I'm still struggling. I was on such a roll before I got pregnant with Ava, and I keep trying to recreate that time. Eat the same things, etc... but my life now is completely different. I have TWO children now. I work in a different city. I can't do bootcamp. Ava goes to bed at 7pm, which hinders going out of the house. I guess I'm just stressed is all.

Any uplifting comments/suggestions/inspirational thoughts? (Emily, I know you're out there!)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yes, I'm a SLACKER.

It's been awhile. I've totally dropped the ball on my 30 DAY Challenge...(which I full intend to finish)

The good news? I'm here now. Things have been a little nutso with my baby turning ONE (can you believe it?! Another post on that will be coming soon!) and all the sickness in my house that has been on a sick, vicious cycle. We get one kiddo well just in time for the other to get sick, and so on and so on.

Here's what has happened since my last post:
  • Ava turned one. Oh. My. Gosh.
  • Ryan got straight A's and Perfect Attendance for the 2nd Nine Weeks at school.
  • Ryan got "Caught Being Good" at Sango, which made me SOOOO proud.
  • I've been praying a lot, I mean, A LOT more. It feels good.
  • I've started doing a ZUMBA DVD and I just bought the Michael Jackson Experience Wii game.
  • I started P90x, but I think I need to work up to it. My body is not there yet. Soon...
  • I'm still determined to get to my goal by my 30th birthday: January 16th, 2012. Watch out.
  • I still struggle with food. Every. Day. Of. My. Life.
  • I miss my husband. He's at home and I see him, but school is consuming him at night. I honestly can't wait until he's done. ONE YEAR!
I think that's all for now, I'll have more targeted posts coming, but my brain is a little fried at the moment. And it's not even noon!