Mau Loa Mama

Mau Loa Mama

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So Long, Fiber One Strawberry Poptarts...

Ok, this is one more food I need to cut out, because I can't help myself. I craved strawberry pop tarts when I was pregnant with Ava, and I allowed myself to have them. But.....I'm not pregnant anymore! I did switch from Poptarts brand to Fiber One, justifying to myself that it was ok, that these were somehow healthier. And maybe they are in some way, with the extra fiber and all, but when I eat both pop tarts in the package, it is 7 WEIGHT WATCHERS POINTS. SEVEN! Yeah, the nutritional facts on the box say serving size is 1 pastry, and that is only 3 points. So do they really think that by packaging two of them together, I'm only going to eat one? Gah.

I need to just swear these off. My husband eats them for breakfast sometimes, so they will still be in the house. So how do I get away from them? Picture my son saying what he said a few months ago, about my weight? Picture myself with diabetes like my dad? That should do it. I'm disgusted with myself. I used to have so much willpower before I got pregnant! In fact, I was more than halfway to my goal. Now I'm starting all over. Not much fun, I tell ya. Having Ava was DEFINITELY worth it, but it doesn't make it easy.

Do you have any foods that you swear off, because you know you'll go overboard? Or have you learned how to manage it?

(Ummm, on second thought....I think I need to add Weight Watchers Ice Cream Candy Bars to my banned list too.....)


  1. I keep almost zero treats in the house. ZERO. I exhibit no will power when they're here and will eat a box of chewy granola bars in a day. I do allow fruit snacks for the boys 'cause I detest those things, but that's it.

    If I am craving sweets super bad, I don't deprive myself... I just go to the store and get a candy bar. But having to make the effort to actively seek it out leads me to make the conscious decision to consume it, instead of just absent mindedly eating all day. :D

  2. Girl, I am all about some cupcakes! That stinkin' cupcake shop is going to be the death of my newly found waist!! I don't buy junk food at the grocery store other than for the kids and I try to load up on fruits for my sweet tooth. It's easier for me to control what I eat when I'm at work because I can pack everything and know exactly how many calories I'm getting that's the eating out that kills me! The biggest thing that keeps me from eating the crap is knowing how much I have to workout to burn it off...for instance, I know that if I eat that cupcake (let's guess 400 calories) I'll have to spend at least 45 minutes on the elliptical to burn it off...makes it a little easier!
