Mau Loa Mama

Mau Loa Mama

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Not afraid to ask for HELP anymore...

It's time. For reals y'all. I need help, advice, suggestions, anything. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I have all of these moments of clarity when I'm like, "I'll start working out again! I'll do zumba! I'll ride my bike! I'll go on a juice fast!" Have those happened? No.

What is stopping me? It's gotta be the devil. That and the fact that I seem to have the worst willpower in the world. I'm just so tired of not having any energy for myself, my husband, or my kids. I have so much potential that is untapped, and I have been wanting for 4 years now to get certified in scuba diving. I'm cheating my kids of a healthy mother. This is ridiculous.


1 comment:

  1. All I can tell you honey is that you aren't alone. I struggle with my willpower. I have no discipline when it comes to getting fit. I slacked off for the 3 months that I was home in MD and put 10 pounds back on. Now that I'm back with the hubby and kids, I will be eating right again and exercising more. It's just so dang hot to get outside right now. Anyway, it's a one day at a time process and they say 21 days to make a habit.
